Sunday, February 22, 2009

Whirlwind Weekend

Here it is - hot off the press, finally.... The Peter Pan Poster! Notice the adorable boy with dimples and holding a teddy bear! It was so cool to get the poster and see Trent on it. In fact, after rehearsal on Saturday we stopped at Learning Express to ask about displaying a poster. The employees were so impressed that Trent was on the poster and a main character in the show. They asked him about the show, about singing and acting on stage and then Trent sang the first verse of "I Won't Grow Up" for them. All of them couldn't believe it. They all said, "I'm definately going!" "Oh, my kids will love this!" "I'm taking my grand-daughter!" I was very proud of Trent for being a good sport about the whole thing.
Here is a peek into rehearsal. This is Trent as "Michael" and Kayla as "Peter" in the last scene. Peter is teaching Michael how to "crow". If you aren't familiar with the Broadway show, this won't make much sense. In the show, Peter sings "I've Gotta Crow" about how wonderful and clever he is.

Saturday's rehearsal theme was "Decade Day". Trent went as a 50's boy and it just so happens that Lauren ("Belle" from "Beauty") went as a 50's girl. They were cute together. Trent had his hair more slicked back, but by the time I took this picture, it was fluffing up again.
Anyway, that was the beginning of the weekend. While Trent was at "Peter Pan" rehearsal I took Brooke to dance class. Then Saturday night we went to McHenry's CYT production of "The Sound of Music". They did a great job, very sweet and cute. Trent go to catch up with all his McHenry County friends. It brought memories of my own high school production of this show. I was "Mother Superior" and sang "Climb Every Mountain". How I would have loved CYT in my youth!
We got home late, got up, went to Sunday School and church, then we headed to another show for NW Cook's production of "Alice in Wonderland". Okay, no, we do not spend every weekend going to shows. It is just that all the CYT shows happen to fall around the same time of year because it is their Winter Productions. "Alice" was really fun and cool. It is a new version of "Alice" done as a Rock Opera and very modernized. It was innovative and a fun twist on a classic theme. Trent knew a lot of the lead characters and a girl from our church was in the show.

Tomorrow is CYT class and gymnastics for Grant. You can pray for all of us to stay strong and healthy. Alex is in the middle of "crunch time" at work. That means overtime every night untill very late and working all day and night on Saturdays and Sundays. So, not only is he under massive deadlines, I am left to run this crazy circus here by myself. I am hiring a high- school girl from our church to babysit Brooke and Grant while I run with Trent. He starts "flight training" Tuesday night. Then he goes for flight work on Sunday evening at the theater. March 2-4 is four hours of dress rehearsal every night. Oh, yeah, and throughout dress rehearsal and show weeks is the school's standardized testing weeks! Great timing huh? We will make it through, we always do.


1 comment:

  1. I know it's crazy for you right now (& the next few weeks). I am praying for you! I love the poster!
