Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gymnastics Totally Rocks Mom!

"So, Grant, do you want to sign up for the next session of classes?" I asked after Grant finished his eighth week of gymnastic's class. "TOTALLY, MOM! Gymnastics rocks!"
I'll take that as a "yes".

LORD OF THE RINGS!!! (well, almost)

When Grant first started gymnastics eight weeks ago, he was really excited. I think he had his expectations set a little high though. The first night of class he expected to get on the rings and swing and flip like the Olympians. Instead, he lasted 3 seconds on the rings and fell off. He sniffed back the tears and looked over at me with "this is HARD!" written across his face. I nodded, smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Last night he held for 20 seconds. When the students accomplish a goal, they get to go ring a big bell in the gym. Grant was very pleased to ring the bell last night.


  1. That's cool! His lasting 20 seconds as opposed to 3 is kindof like my boot camp experience. On night one when I realized I had no stomach muscles I couldn't even do one sit up without lifting my butt off the ground. After 2 weeks of classes, I can do 8 now before said booty starts a movin'. We have to savor small victories!! Great pictures!

  2. Gymnastic is PERFECT for Grant! I love the photos and good for him working hard and improving.
