Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Ugg-a-Wugg" Stomp Dance

When Peter Pan and the Lost Boys become friends with the Indians, they perform a dance of friendship. In this show the correographer has chosen to perform it "Stomp"-style with drummers and "stick-ers". The older kids do the drums and the younger kids have sticks. It is quite a complex routine but a lot of fun. Of xcourse all this percussion is just right for Trent.

Oops - sorry - same picture.

Again - please forgive the "dress-rehearsal" photos. The one white drum still needs to be painted.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see it in person! I have been packing like a crazy woman all day. Just now sitting down for a quick lunch!

    BTW - you can delete a picture simply by clicking on it and hitting delete on your keyboard :-).
