"I won't go to bed Nana, I won't!" Well, Mr. Michael...yes, you are finally going to bed. WHEW...its all over! And I will have to say it was a bitter-sweet day yesterday. We are glad to be done with the rat race. But we will miss the joy, laughter and friendships we experienced during the run of Peter Pan.

Trent and Collleen (Tink) became good friends. They are both 9 years old and in third grade.

What a joy it was to work with Kayla (Peter) and Gabriel (John). The kids got along so well and they became great friends, especially Gabriel and Trent. Last night was the "strike party". Trent and Gabe performed a spoof of the song "I'm Flying" called "I'm Falling". It was cute and everyone laughed.

Here is a shot of the fly-harness Trent wore under his costume. He said it was not the most comfortable thing to wear, but he got used to it. He really enjoyed flying and was very sad to kiss his harness good-bye after last night.

And, just in case you were wondering...we do still have two other children in our family. I know the blog has been full of Peter Pan fun and pix the past few weeks, but that has been the commanding activity in our lives. Brooke and Grant LOVE going to the show. They memorize the songs and lines and then act it out together at home. It is so adorable. They have been around the theater so much that they have made friends with several of the cast members and know them by name. Brooke's favorites were Tiger Lilly, Wendy and Tinkerbell. She made sure to hug each of them after every show. (I think they saw the show 6 times!) Grant's favorites were Slightly, Smee and Hook (shown).
What a fun, exciting and wonderful experience this show has been. Trent has grown as an actor and we are proud of him. He is a real trooper. He put up with a lot of demand, responsibility and exhausting hours. But, he is doing what he loves so it is all worth it.
As for me...well, I am ready for a massage and trip to the chiropractor. Oh yes, and a maid!
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