What a fun show this is.! Our week and weekend were an absolute blur and very exhausting, but worth it. Doug, Debbi and twins came on Friday (see entry below). Then on Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Bauman came. I am so thankful for our supportive and encouraging family. It takes a lot of effort to drive all the way over here. We appreciate it so much and I think it makes our family stronger. Grammie and Grandpa Rose will come on Wednesday.
Four shows down, ten to go!

Michael: Peter, before we go, could you teach me to crow?
Peter: Why certainly! Just place your arms like this and let out a crow!

"Yo-ho! Yo-ho! The terrible Captain Hook!"

Hook: Now, you are all to walk the plank. However, I do have room for another cabin boy or two. How about you there boy? You look like you still have some pluck left in you."
Michael: What would you call me if I joined?
Hook: Black-beard Joe.
Michael: I don't know. What do you think John?
John: (to Hook) Could we still swear allegiance to the flag?
Hook: You must swear DOWN to the flag!
John: Then I refuse!
Michael: And I refuse too!
Hook: Well, that seals your doom.
I've enjoyed reading and seeing pics of Peter Pan. Sounds like Trent is having the time of his life! Give me a call when the show is over! I'd love to hear your voice! I miss you.