Sunday, March 29, 2009
Excuse me - this isn't what I had in mind!
Just last week I posted :"Bring on Spring!" with this adorable picture of Brooke enjoying the sunshine on her swingset. This morning we took the picture of aforementioned swingset shown in the header picture. This not what I had in mind.
It was a horribly wet, heavy snow. Our power blinked on and off several times Sunday morning. We had a few limbs down and lost the tree on the corner of our lot, next to the shed. It split right down the middle. Ah - did I mention...the boys both have BASEBALL practice tomorrow? That will be interresting!
These are our three crab-apple trees. Poor things were dragging the ground. I am suprised we didn't loose more limbs and trees. Alex went out before church and tried to clear some of the snow from a few of our skinny pine trees that were bent in half.
Even though I am totally NOT in the mood for this, I must admit - it was absolutely gorgeous. Our drive to church looked like a fairy-tale-village. I am VERY happy however that the snow has been short lived. Our driveway has already melted clear and I am sure the rest will be gone tomorrow. Do you think we will get one last snow before Spring finally settles in? Who knows, I wouldn't be suprised.
I haven't posted in a while because I have been working on my deadline for RBP's VBS 2010. I forgot to post these pix of Grant in his school music concert. He did so well and looked cute. The theme was "Whether the Weather" and Grant's class was supposed to represent the humid days of summer. So he went in his Hawaiian shirt, khakis and flip-flops.
Some of you might remember the tale of last year's school concert. When Grant was in Kindergarten he freaked out with a horrible case of stage fright. He got on the risers, started to sing, only to burst into tears and come running to me. He begged me not to make him go back up there! The principal was able to coax him back and he stood on the edge of the group while holding back tears. WELL... this year was much better. He had a great time. No stage fright. In fact, Grant informed us that he would like to audition for a CYT show next fall. Hmmmmm...this was news to me. We shall have to see if he still has the desire come this fall. Untill then, we will just gear up for baseball season.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bring on Spring!
I am working towards a VBS writing deadline next Friday. I am half-way through the second lesson. For those of you who care, next year's theme is "SeaQuest: Diving for God's Treasure". Writing VBS is fairly easy. I tend to spend more time researching the theme (ocean creatures, deep-sea diving, etc) than I do on anything else.
We have Spring Break next week. I am trying to line up play-dates for the kids so they don't drive me crazy. Hopefully the weather will be nice and they can get outside.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Curtain Has Closed
"I won't go to bed Nana, I won't!" Well, Mr. Michael...yes, you are finally going to bed. WHEW...its all over! And I will have to say it was a bitter-sweet day yesterday. We are glad to be done with the rat race. But we will miss the joy, laughter and friendships we experienced during the run of Peter Pan.
Trent and Collleen (Tink) became good friends. They are both 9 years old and in third grade.
What a joy it was to work with Kayla (Peter) and Gabriel (John). The kids got along so well and they became great friends, especially Gabriel and Trent. Last night was the "strike party". Trent and Gabe performed a spoof of the song "I'm Flying" called "I'm Falling". It was cute and everyone laughed.
Here is a shot of the fly-harness Trent wore under his costume. He said it was not the most comfortable thing to wear, but he got used to it. He really enjoyed flying and was very sad to kiss his harness good-bye after last night.
And, just in case you were wondering...we do still have two other children in our family. I know the blog has been full of Peter Pan fun and pix the past few weeks, but that has been the commanding activity in our lives. Brooke and Grant LOVE going to the show. They memorize the songs and lines and then act it out together at home. It is so adorable. They have been around the theater so much that they have made friends with several of the cast members and know them by name. Brooke's favorites were Tiger Lilly, Wendy and Tinkerbell. She made sure to hug each of them after every show. (I think they saw the show 6 times!) Grant's favorites were Slightly, Smee and Hook (shown).
What a fun, exciting and wonderful experience this show has been. Trent has grown as an actor and we are proud of him. He is a real trooper. He put up with a lot of demand, responsibility and exhausting hours. But, he is doing what he loves so it is all worth it.
As for me...well, I am ready for a massage and trip to the chiropractor. Oh yes, and a maid!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Peter Pan: Act 2, Crowing with Peter and Hook's Cabin Boy
What a fun show this is.! Our week and weekend were an absolute blur and very exhausting, but worth it. Doug, Debbi and twins came on Friday (see entry below). Then on Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Bauman came. I am so thankful for our supportive and encouraging family. It takes a lot of effort to drive all the way over here. We appreciate it so much and I think it makes our family stronger. Grammie and Grandpa Rose will come on Wednesday.
Four shows down, ten to go!
Michael: Peter, before we go, could you teach me to crow?
Peter: Why certainly! Just place your arms like this and let out a crow!
"Yo-ho! Yo-ho! The terrible Captain Hook!"
Hook: Now, you are all to walk the plank. However, I do have room for another cabin boy or two. How about you there boy? You look like you still have some pluck left in you."
Four shows down, ten to go!
Peter: Why certainly! Just place your arms like this and let out a crow!
Michael: What would you call me if I joined?
Hook: Black-beard Joe.
Michael: I don't know. What do you think John?
John: (to Hook) Could we still swear allegiance to the flag?
Hook: You must swear DOWN to the flag!
John: Then I refuse!
Michael: And I refuse too!
Hook: Well, that seals your doom.
My Precious Nephews! Double the fun!
My arms and heart could not be more full!
I gave both boys a lecture: "Don't grow untill I see you next!"
I think Brooke has found the perfect ballet partner! Both boys thought their big cousins were extremely entertaining. I just wish we could be together so much more. I want the kids to develop lasting memories and relationships. I couldn't get over how GOOD they both are. They are so happy and congenial. This is such a fun age and they are so YUMMY!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I Won't Grow Up!
"I wont grow up! I don't wanna go to school. Just to learn to be a parrot. And recite a silly rule!"
"I won't grow up! I don't wanna be a man. And if someone tries to make me... Catch me if you can!"
"And Neverland will always be the home of peace and joy and liberty....I'll never grow up, never grow up...
"I won't grow up! I don't wanna be a man. And if someone tries to make me... Catch me if you can!"
"Ugg-a-Wugg" Stomp Dance
When Peter Pan and the Lost Boys become friends with the Indians, they perform a dance of friendship. In this show the correographer has chosen to perform it "Stomp"-style with drummers and "stick-ers". The older kids do the drums and the younger kids have sticks. It is quite a complex routine but a lot of fun. Of xcourse all this percussion is just right for Trent.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We're Flying!
Last night was our first dress rehearsal. The sets need a few finishing touches (note the missing curtains at the center window) and the backdrops are still being hung (should be solid black behind the walls). But it was fun to see everyone in costume/makeup. I hope many of your will be able to come to the show. It is really neat.
"We'll jump on the wind's back and away we'll go!" exclaimed Peter. "But first, let me blow the fairy dust on you. Now think lovely thoughts." After much guessing, Michael blurts out "Christmas?" only to be launched into the air. "Look Mommy, I flewed" cried Michael.
Trent is absolutely loving the fly-sequence. He gets to play "football" - a fly move in which "John" and "Wendy" form aerial "goalposts" with their arms and "Michael" (Trent) flies throught the goalpost. I am pleased to report that the flying is not as hard as I had feared. My tricepts are a little stiff today, but I have the blessing of flying the lightest of the cast members!
Mr. Darling, Michael and Wendy discuss the taking of Michael's medicine.
Keep checking the blog. I know some of these pix are dark, but I had to give my camera to a girl in the audience since I can't photograph while I am flying Trent. I will try to put some pix of the indians, swordfights, and Tinkerbell on later.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A Cavity????
Off to flying practice tonight. I will be sore by tomorrow for sure as this will be a long and challenging correography night. Check the blog this week for new pix of Peter Pan. We are getting excited.
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