Thursday, July 9, 2009

Iowa/Omaha Roadtrip and A Difficult Blessing Part 2

Our entire trip wasn't a bust. We were able to visit many family and friends. Our first stop was to see the world's most adorable twins. They just happen to be my nephews! As much as my brother Doug and sis-in-law Debbi don't want to admit it, they are going to be hosting a FIRST BIRTHDAY party next month. So we came bearing Ben and Joe's birthday gifts.
"Hey, I have a shirt just like that!" Trent and Grant gave Ben and Joe shorts outfits that match the ones they were wearing. Hopefully my boys' outfits will still fit next year when Ben and Joe grow into theirs.

Trent had just started learning how to roller blade before the trip. (Needless to say - rollerblading has been put on hold for a while.) He was so determined and brought his skates with him. Imagine his delight when Aunt Debbi put on her skates and went outside to skate with him! However - It was BLAZING hot, so they didn't last long.
Here are the Rose cousins. We did not get nearly enough time together. But thankfully we will be together in Florida soon. Can't wait!
Read on to see the rest of our Roadtrip.

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