esides seeing the most adorable twins on the planet, we also had the joy of visiting more of our friends and family.
After we stopped in at Doug and Debbi's we went to our friends, Josh and Dana Craighead, to spend a couple nights. Adam and Trent, Brandon and Grant, Carley and Brooke all picked up where they left off! They might as well be family. Its like they are cousins. Adam and Trent used scrap wood to build this table together. Of course, I think someone tried to jump on it and it was smashed. We were able to spend a couple hours at the pool all together. Dana served us Iowa chops for lunch! Yummy.

Then we went to our friends Kate and Gary Hydorn's house. Guess what, Kate served Iowa Chops too! Bring it on - we have to stock up while we are there! I miss my best friends Dana and Kate so much. Every moment we get together is precious.

This cracks me up. Kate's son Brennan and my boys hit it off like long lost friends. They played Wrestling video games and then strapped on their championship belts to act it out. It was a riot! I am so glad they had such a great time. It only makes me sad that we can't be together more often.

Then on to Omaha. We stayed with Alex's brother, Craig and his wife Carolyn and their little girl Reagan. On Saturday we went to the Henry Doorley Zoo with Craig's family and Tim's (another brother) family. Trent got the fever the night before, but it wasn't high and he felt okay with a dose of Tylenol. He didn't want to miss the zoo and he did very well.

Here are Brooke and Reagan ready for Sunday School. Aren't they sweet? They love to be together and Brooke treats Reagan like a baby sister. Trent's fever was higher, so we kept him home from church.
That afternoon we drove to Alex's folks in Murray, Iowa. Trent's cough was getting worse and well..... you know the rest of the story. So we canceled our stop in Ottumwa and missed seeing my folks and Grandma Jennings.
We are getting ready to leave for Florida soon. I am so thankful we can travel and keep our vacation plans. We are ready for a rest.
I loved reading about your trip, and learning of all the details on Trent. I have been praying for him and glad he's feeling better. I am with you- it was no accident that you were here in Iowa when all of this transpired. I'm so thankful God took care of everything. I thought of you guys on Saturday and wondered if you were at the zoo. Miss you! Have a WONDERFUL time in Florida. I'm sure it will be very exciting with the twins this year! Let me know when you'll be back in Iowa for Trent's surgery.