Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Panama City Beach, Florida July 2009
Forty years ago my parents went to Panama City Beach, Florida for their honeymoon. They fell in love with the white sand and clear water. They have been returning regularly ever since. Even as a girl, we would load up the station wagon and make the DRIVE from southern Iowa to PCB almost every summer. Now, my parents have brought their children, children's spouses and grandchildren back to Panama City Beach.
We had a wonderful vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida. It was very relaxing. No schedules, no pressure. Our biggest decision of the day was "Do you want to go to the beach or pool first?" We love the Gulf of Mexico. We stayed in a resort right on the beach. The sand was white and soft. The ocean was very clear, warm and calm for the first few days we were there.
What made it extra special is just being together. My parents, Doug and Debbi, their twins Ben and Joe were all with us for the week. We LOVED being with those precious babies so much. In fact, Grant loved being with his cousins so much he cried the night before we left because he was going to miss Ben and Joe!
Here are Doug and Debbi. Debbi is holding Benjamin and Doug is holding Joseph. They were a little overwhelmed by the ocean. But the last day (of course) they started to warm up to it and loved crawling around the sand and into the waves.
One evening we all went to Pier Park. It is a very nice shopping boardwalk right near the ocean. We sampled fudge and bought gourmet popcorn. The kids all wore their Florida airbrushed t-shirts.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Iowa/Omaha Roadtrip and A Difficult Blessing Part 1
I have been away from the Blog for a while because our lives have taken an unexpected turn this summer. So, this is part 1 of 3. It's a long story and I have lots of photos to post.
In late June our family set off on a roadtrip through Iowa to see our friends and family. We had been on the road for only a day when Brooke came down with a fever. It was short lived and she was back to normal in a couple days. Then Grant got the fever and he too improved in a couple days.
On Friday, June 25, we made a joyous stop at Blank Children's Hospital to see Trent's surgeon, Dr. Buchi. It has been nearly 10 years since God used Dr. Buchi to reconstruct Trent's diaphragm and perform 5 other repairs and reconstruction surgeries on Trent. Dr. Buchi walked through some very rough waters with our family. He was DELIGHTED to see and hug Trent. We reminised and praised God for his work in Trent's life. Little did we know at the time how ironic this meeting would be.
We drove on to Omaha and visited Alex's brothers and their families. Trent got the fever on Friday night, but it was low and with Tylenol he was still able to go to the Zoo with all of us.
By Sunday, the fever was higher and Trent had developed a tight cough. We drove on to Alex's parents in south-central Iowa to spend the night. Trent's cough was getting worse. I began to worry about an ER trip and asked my mother in law where the nearest hospital was. Then we went to bed. (Well, I laid in bed at least, but my Mommy-radar heard every cough and moan from Trent.)
Trent coughed all night and woke up Monday morning at 3:00 am with a 104.5 fever and violent coughing fits. He did not look well. He was holding his left side and crying everytime he inhaled. Alex and I decided he needed real help. I volunteered to make the drive to the ER while Al stayed with the other two kids. As I drove along the rural highway I prayed, "Lord, should I go to the little local hospital or make the longer drive north to Blank Children's Hospital?" In a last minute decision, I turned the car north to DesMoines.
Trent had stabalized in the car and was talking and pink. I knew he was not critical, but still, I knew something was wrong.
The Children's Hospital was amazing. They were very quick. Trent got a breathing treatment and felt better. He got an x-ray which showed pnuemonia in the lower left lung. It also showed something suspicious at the bottom of his left lung.
I knew Dr. Buchi would want to know what was going on so I went up to his 3rd floor office and left a message for his nurse. Buchi called me shortly, wanting to know what was going on. Trent was sent for a CAT scan.
An hour later Dr. Buchi came into the ER room to tell me the patch on Trent's diaphragm had torn loose and a section of intesine has come up into his chest. Trent would need surgery. I think Buchi was more devastated than me. But I again experienced God's peace that goes beyond human comprehension. Even though I was not happy, I had a calm peace that this all was part of God's Soveriegn timing. God placed us in Iowa, with Trent's surgeon at just the right time. Who better to loving care for and be attentive to Trent's unique needs? Buchi assured us that Trent was stable and the intestine was not compromised. Trent started antibiotics and steriod and was sent home.
We cut the trip short and headed for home. Trent still was having trouble coughing and couldn't keep his inhaler in. We stopped in Davenport to sleep and ended up in the ER the Tuesday morning for two more breathing treatments on Tuesday. We made it home Tuesday afternoon. Trent was still working hard to breathe and his coughing was worse. He saw the pediatrician and was admitted to St. Alexius hospital in Barrington for two nights. I was relieved. He needed IV steriod and antibiotics, oxygen and breathing treatments round the clock. After two days he perked up and felt great. His test for Whooping Cough came back positive. So not only did he have pneumonia, he had Whooping Cough and a torn diaphragm too! No wonder the kid felt rotten!
Trent is stable. He wants to roller blade but I won't let him. We have been cleared to travel this next week to Florida for our extended Rose Family vacation. We are returning to DesMoines and Dr. Buchi for the surgery after vacation.
Read on to parts two and three of this very long post for the "happy part" of our roadtrip. God is good, all the time.
In late June our family set off on a roadtrip through Iowa to see our friends and family. We had been on the road for only a day when Brooke came down with a fever. It was short lived and she was back to normal in a couple days. Then Grant got the fever and he too improved in a couple days.
We drove on to Omaha and visited Alex's brothers and their families. Trent got the fever on Friday night, but it was low and with Tylenol he was still able to go to the Zoo with all of us.
By Sunday, the fever was higher and Trent had developed a tight cough. We drove on to Alex's parents in south-central Iowa to spend the night. Trent's cough was getting worse. I began to worry about an ER trip and asked my mother in law where the nearest hospital was. Then we went to bed. (Well, I laid in bed at least, but my Mommy-radar heard every cough and moan from Trent.)
Trent coughed all night and woke up Monday morning at 3:00 am with a 104.5 fever and violent coughing fits. He did not look well. He was holding his left side and crying everytime he inhaled. Alex and I decided he needed real help. I volunteered to make the drive to the ER while Al stayed with the other two kids. As I drove along the rural highway I prayed, "Lord, should I go to the little local hospital or make the longer drive north to Blank Children's Hospital?" In a last minute decision, I turned the car north to DesMoines.
Trent had stabalized in the car and was talking and pink. I knew he was not critical, but still, I knew something was wrong.
The Children's Hospital was amazing. They were very quick. Trent got a breathing treatment and felt better. He got an x-ray which showed pnuemonia in the lower left lung. It also showed something suspicious at the bottom of his left lung.
I knew Dr. Buchi would want to know what was going on so I went up to his 3rd floor office and left a message for his nurse. Buchi called me shortly, wanting to know what was going on. Trent was sent for a CAT scan.
An hour later Dr. Buchi came into the ER room to tell me the patch on Trent's diaphragm had torn loose and a section of intesine has come up into his chest. Trent would need surgery. I think Buchi was more devastated than me. But I again experienced God's peace that goes beyond human comprehension. Even though I was not happy, I had a calm peace that this all was part of God's Soveriegn timing. God placed us in Iowa, with Trent's surgeon at just the right time. Who better to loving care for and be attentive to Trent's unique needs? Buchi assured us that Trent was stable and the intestine was not compromised. Trent started antibiotics and steriod and was sent home.
We cut the trip short and headed for home. Trent still was having trouble coughing and couldn't keep his inhaler in. We stopped in Davenport to sleep and ended up in the ER the Tuesday morning for two more breathing treatments on Tuesday. We made it home Tuesday afternoon. Trent was still working hard to breathe and his coughing was worse. He saw the pediatrician and was admitted to St. Alexius hospital in Barrington for two nights. I was relieved. He needed IV steriod and antibiotics, oxygen and breathing treatments round the clock. After two days he perked up and felt great. His test for Whooping Cough came back positive. So not only did he have pneumonia, he had Whooping Cough and a torn diaphragm too! No wonder the kid felt rotten!
Trent is stable. He wants to roller blade but I won't let him. We have been cleared to travel this next week to Florida for our extended Rose Family vacation. We are returning to DesMoines and Dr. Buchi for the surgery after vacation.
Read on to parts two and three of this very long post for the "happy part" of our roadtrip. God is good, all the time.
Iowa/Omaha Roadtrip and A Difficult Blessing Part 2
Our entire trip wasn't a bust. We were able to visit many family and friends. Our first stop was to see the world's most adorable twins. They just happen to be my nephews!
As much as my brother Doug and sis-in-law Debbi don't want to admit it, they are going to be hosting a FIRST BIRTHDAY party next month. So we came bearing Ben and Joe's birthday gifts.
"Hey, I have a shirt just like that!" Trent and Grant gave Ben and Joe shorts outfits that match the ones they were wearing. Hopefully my boys' outfits will still fit next year when Ben and Joe grow into theirs.
Trent had just started learning how to roller blade before the trip. (Needless to say - rollerblading has been put on hold for a while.) He was so determined and brought his skates with him. Imagine his delight when Aunt Debbi put on her skates and went outside to skate with him! However - It was BLAZING hot, so they didn't last long.
Here are the Rose cousins. We did not get nearly enough time together. But thankfully we will be together in Florida soon. Can't wait!
Read on to see the rest of our Roadtrip.
Iowa/Omaha Roadtrip and A Difficult Blessing Part 3
Besides seeing the most adorable twins on the planet, we also had the joy of visiting more of our friends and family.
After we stopped in at Doug and Debbi's we went to our friends, Josh and Dana Craighead, to spend a couple nights. Adam and Trent, Brandon and Grant, Carley and Brooke all picked up where they left off! They might as well be family. Its like they are cousins. Adam and Trent used scrap wood to build this table together. Of course, I think someone tried to jump on it and it was smashed. We were able to spend a couple hours at the pool all together. Dana served us Iowa chops for lunch! Yummy.
Then we went to our friends Kate and Gary Hydorn's house. Guess what, Kate served Iowa Chops too! Bring it on - we have to stock up while we are there! I miss my best friends Dana and Kate so much. Every moment we get together is precious.
This cracks me up. Kate's son Brennan and my boys hit it off like long lost friends. They played Wrestling video games and then strapped on their championship belts to act it out. It was a riot! I am so glad they had such a great time. It only makes me sad that we can't be together more often.
Then on to Omaha. We stayed with Alex's brother, Craig and his wife Carolyn and their little girl Reagan. On Saturday we went to the Henry Doorley Zoo with Craig's family and Tim's (another brother) family. Trent got the fever the night before, but it wasn't high and he felt okay with a dose of Tylenol. He didn't want to miss the zoo and he did very well.
Here are Brooke and Reagan ready for Sunday School. Aren't they sweet? They love to be together and Brooke treats Reagan like a baby sister. Trent's fever was higher, so we kept him home from church.
That afternoon we drove to Alex's folks in Murray, Iowa. Trent's cough was getting worse and well..... you know the rest of the story. So we canceled our stop in Ottumwa and missed seeing my folks and Grandma Jennings.
We are getting ready to leave for Florida soon. I am so thankful we can travel and keep our vacation plans. We are ready for a rest.
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