Sunday, January 25, 2009

Step Into My Office...

This is my office. The dining room table. My office also consists of one rolling file crate and a drawer in 3-drawer rolling plastic cart. Its a less-than-ideal set-up for someone in the publishing business. But I have learned to cope with my situation: I have learned to weed-out and only keep what is necessary. I have learned to block out distractions (my kids, the phone, the TV, my husband) by listening to classical music (thus the headphones, currently playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons). When I do have a couple of quiet hours I have learned to be efficient and not spend time on petty things - every minute counts! Now, that said, working at home does have it's perks: short commute, great "career" attire (note my new bathrobe!), flexible hours and no daycare fees! I really enjoy writing. It is fun to have a lesson come together as I write. Its cool to see my ideas in print. And I love being able to teach what I have written. I am thankful that God has provided this occupation for me. It fits my season of life.


  1. Hi, Dawn! Judy Z. gave me the link your blog.I have thought about blogging but don't know when I would find the time. Maybe someday... Anyway, it is great to hear that your family is doing well. I will follow your blog.
    Laurie N.

  2. Hey there- I added the Followers gadget to my blog, but mine appears at the very bottom of the page. I added a books read gadget too and that's at the bottom. I see yours and Debi's is on the side. Any idea how I can change mine?
