Monday, April 12, 2010

Piano Festival 2010

This was Trent's second year to perform the the school district's "Piano Festival". It is not a competition, but he is judged and scored. The student's are required to perform two pieces of music from distinctly different genres. Trent did "Light & Blue", a simple jazz piece, and "Scarborough Fair", the traditional folk song.

Trent played "Light & Blue" from memory, as required. He earned a "1 rating", the highest, and a blue ribbon. I am so glad his piano teacher pushes her students to participate in this. It is a great chance to refine skills and perform in front of an audience. I hope Trent continues to play for many more years.


  1. I remember him playing these for me; I can tell that he has really worked hard on them. I'm so glad he is finding piano enjoyable and that he was willing to participlate in this kind of judged activity! "Way to go, Trent! I'm very proud of your accomplishment!"

  2. That's so awesome! Great job! I love how you are including all this video on your blog. I still haven't figured out how to do that yet! You're so techno!!! Miss you!
