We celebrated Grant's 8th birthday at home on October 25th. He had eight friends join him for a Star Wars Clone Wars party. It was so much fun! I am delighted that my kids still love "theme" parties. I enjoy decorating the house in their chosen theme and doing the cake. Grant was really thrilled with his Yoda Cake and wished we could keep it instead of cutting into it!

We served cheese pizza and I made "Yoda Punch" (green Koolaid with Sprite).

The weather held off and the rain stayed away. It was just right for a few games before the sun set. We had "Pod Races" (marshmallow on the spoon), "Asteriod Showers" (played like "clean the yard"), musical chairs, freeze dance and "Light Saber Duels". I made 12 Light Sabers out of pipe insulation foam and colored duct tape. It was team "Yoda" vs team "Darth". When the duels were over I released them to just chase each other around the yard with their Light Sabers which they loved of course!

The boys got to take their Sabers home. Many boys said that it was the "coolest party favor ever!"-

Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Every year I tell you that I am not going to allow you to have another birthday because I want you to stay little forever. But, every year you grow a little older, a little sweeter, a little smarter and I love you a whole lot more than I ever dreamed possible. You will always be my "Mr. Sunshine".
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