We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 to get Trent ready and meet with his surgeon, Dr. Buchi, and anesthesiologist, Dr. Anderson. Surgery got underway as scheduled. It took Dr. Buchi 2 hours just to get through the mountain of scar tissue that cemented Trent's left lung to his prosthetic diaphragm and find the hole. Once inside and at the problem, Dr. Buchi found more intestine in the chest than originally thought. But the tissues all looked good and the diaphragm hole was about the size of an egg. Dr. Buchi pulled the instesine back down where it belonged and attached a new type of biological patch that Trent's own tissues can grow into. The incision is under Trent's left arm, between a couple ribs and about 5-6 inches long. A painful incision indeed. The anesthesiologist put in an epidural to help with post-op pain. But the epidural failed and Trent was very, very uncomfortable. He had to rely on other pain meds like morphine which had several adverse side effects. The first 24 hours were rough. But the next 24 were much, much better. The third day he got his chest tube out and the fourth day he visited the playroom and played video games. Even Dr. Buchi was amazed with his progress and rapid recovery. Trent was discharged four days post-op and sent home to rest.
People are amazed when I tell them about our summer this year. People wonder "how we could make it through such stress and trauma." But after all we have been through with Trent, this surgery was by far the best (as surgeries go.) He was strong and healthy going into this one. He had lung tissue and a developed immune system this time - so much different than when he was tiny and so very critical. This surgery, although major and genuinely invasive and traumatic, was so much easier to go through. God has always given us His peace, His grace and His strength just at the very moment we need it. "And the peace of God, which goes beyond all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," (Philippians 4:7) He is so good to us.
As for Trent, God has a plan for this boy. I don't know what it is. But God has worked overtime to see that Trent stay here, on this earth, to serve Him. "I know the plans I have for you...plans to give you a hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)
Love this entry even though it's a little emotional to read. What a great picture of Trent with Buchi! Praise God and "remember his marvelous works that he hath done..." Psalm 105:5
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing your summer story on this blog. It has been a great encouragement to me.
Tell Alex hello. I sure do miss you guys.
Erin Kealen