Knowing full well there was a storm cell heading right towards us, I set out early. I had seen a great ad and loaded up the kids extra early. I wanted to be at the sale no later than a half hour before it opened. As I listened to the radio, reports were coming in for golfball-sized hail and tornado warnings. Yet we persisted. As we stood in the driveway with a few other brave (crazy) souls, the rains came just as the door went up. I ducked underneath and immediately said to the homeowner "I'm here for the Nintendo DS". She grabbed it for me just ahead of three other shoppers. SCORE! I even talked her down $10!!!! The boys have saved money and wanted one for sooooooo long.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Thrill of the Hunt
Ten years ago, when I was expecting Trent, my best friend Kate got me hooked on Garage Sales. I have been addicted ever since. I search the ads each week to see if there are any great sales, map out my route, get up early and load-up the kids. This morning I took my addiction to the next level.
Knowing full well there was a storm cell heading right towards us, I set out early. I had seen a great ad and loaded up the kids extra early. I wanted to be at the sale no later than a half hour before it opened. As I listened to the radio, reports were coming in for golfball-sized hail and tornado warnings. Yet we persisted. As we stood in the driveway with a few other brave (crazy) souls, the rains came just as the door went up. I ducked underneath and immediately said to the homeowner "I'm here for the Nintendo DS". She grabbed it for me just ahead of three other shoppers. SCORE! I even talked her down $10!!!! The boys have saved money and wanted one for sooooooo long.
It is nearly new, came with the box and carrying case. We only paid $50 for it. We got back in the car and found a gas station with an overhang and sat under it, out of the rain and pea-sized hail untill the storm passed. The tornado warning actually passed just to the south of us. I know, I'm nuts. But the boys don't think I'm so crazy. They are on cloud 9!
While we are on the garage sale stories, Trent and Grant made their first purchases of the season yesterday. Since school got out sooooooo late this year, it was the boys first day to go garage saling with me. Grant got a complete Micro Machines set for $5. Trent bought good condition roller blades for $2. He has been asking for roller blades because he wants to learn to skate so he can play street hockey. I was hesitant. Trent is not known for his coordination. But, I gotta hand it to the kid. He is determined! He practiced, and practiced and practiced all day yesterday. He even praciticed in the garage when we got home this morning while it poured rain outside. He is getting it. Thank goodness for elbow/knee pads and helmet. Now, if he would just tie a pillow to his bum, he might not get bruised at all!
And here is Brooke with a couple of her purchases. Brooke had saved her Easter money from the Grandmas and she bought these adorable castles. They both open up and have tiny little figures. The one on the left is Cinderella (complete with carridge) and the one on the right is Beauty and the Beast (complete with a tower and lighted rose). Brooke is holding the TEENY TINY Belle and Cinderella. She loves them.
Team Giants celebrated their Second-Place-Season standings with a pizza party and trophies. Coach Doug nearly teared up when he said a few words about Trent. He told everyone what a great kid Trent is how much Trent has improved since last year. We are in playoffs right now. Giants won their first playoff game and will go on to play again on Saturday. GOOOOO GIANTS!
Knowing full well there was a storm cell heading right towards us, I set out early. I had seen a great ad and loaded up the kids extra early. I wanted to be at the sale no later than a half hour before it opened. As I listened to the radio, reports were coming in for golfball-sized hail and tornado warnings. Yet we persisted. As we stood in the driveway with a few other brave (crazy) souls, the rains came just as the door went up. I ducked underneath and immediately said to the homeowner "I'm here for the Nintendo DS". She grabbed it for me just ahead of three other shoppers. SCORE! I even talked her down $10!!!! The boys have saved money and wanted one for sooooooo long.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Rodents are our Friends
Sunday, June 7, 2009
First Offeratory
I am so proud of his interrest in piano. He is self-motivated and usually doesn't have to be prodded to practice. He enjoys being able to make his own music. I also think waiting to start him on piano untill he was in 3rd grade was good for him. He had a good grasp of math and reading and a little more maturity in his fine motor skills.
I am so thankful our church encourages the kids to get involved in special music as soon as they are able. It gives them an opportunity to serve the Lord at a young age and helps them see that their talents should be used for the glory of God.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Street-hockey and Rainbows
I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. There just isn't much new or exciting to write about. We are just keeping up with life.
This is Trent in street hockey goalie gear. Funny, huh? There are some middle-school boys that play street-hockey in our cul-de-sac. Trent has taken an interrest in hockey as his teacher, Mr. Miron, is a big hockey fanatic. So, one day, the neighbor boy was just out knocking the ball around. He asked Trent if he wanted to play. I think this is hysterical as the gear is bigger than he is. But he had a ball. Grant soon got up the courage to join in. Now they play every so often when the weather is nice.
Speaking of weather...we have had a really wet spring. The other day it reached into the mid 70's, then the wind changed, dropped 20 degrees, poured rain and then the sun came out and gave us a rainbow.
I am thankful for God's promise to never leave us or give up on us. Life has been challenging these past few weeks. Alex has been working ridiculously long hours again trying to meet printer deadlines. We haven't really seen or talked to him in a month. Its getting hard to be a single parent. I don't know how he is going to possibly get it all done, but somehow he always does. The kids really miss him. I'm not very good at being mom AND dad.
Then this week my left eye has been irritated. I finally couldn't stand it and went to the doc. I have a Corneal abrasion (scratched my eyeball). Probably got dirt in it at the ballfield and rubbed it. So now I have antibiotic eye drops. Fun.
Other than that, things are pretty much status-quo:
* boys still in baseball
* Kids still in school till June 17
* I'm garage saling each weekend. Found several good deals already. Brooke is set with a fall wardrobe and the boys are set with jeans, snowpants and boots.
* Grant still goes to Rodent Club every-other Wednesday and loves it. Rodents galore!
That's about it. Hanging in there.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tag - I'm it..
Well, Debbi did this. She tagged me. So here is how it goes. This is the fourth folder, fourth picture. 12/07
Look at my precious tiny princess! Brooke was 3 1/2 here at her very first ballet recital. She looks so little. This is also before we cut bangs into her hair.
Now I am supposed to tag FOUR more people. This is a problem. I am a hermit. I do not know four people with blogs. I only know TWO - pathetic. Since Debbi is the one who tagged me, I can only tag Kate.
So Kathryn... Sorry, I know you have done this stuff before.
I am tagging Kate at Kate's Korner.
Look at my precious tiny princess! Brooke was 3 1/2 here at her very first ballet recital. She looks so little. This is also before we cut bangs into her hair.
So Kathryn... Sorry, I know you have done this stuff before.
I am tagging Kate at Kate's Korner.
Lastly, this all leads to a little request: if you read my blog, and have a blog of your own, let me know. I would love to get in touch. I suppose I should finally cave in and get a Facebook page.
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