Brooke has set the new record in our home for being the youngest when loosing the first tooth. Now, mind you, Grant was not quite 5 when he lost his first one. But Brooke is 4 years and 8 months old! I knew it was going to happen. It was slightly loose last month. Then two weeks ago she had dental x-rays and the dentist said it wouldn't be long at all. He said it is early but not unheard of for a child this young to loose the first tooth. Anyway - she was eatting a whole apple and, of course, you know the rest of the story! I was working at the library and Brooke called me to give me the exciting news. She is soooooooo proud of it! Now, the funny part: I played "Tooth-Fairy" last night and replaced the tooth with four shiny quarters (I usually do gold dollars, but didn't have any this time.) This morning, just before 7:00, Brooke got up bawling her eyes out because "My tooth is gone! I want my tooth!" She couldn't care less about those quarters, she wants that tooth for show-and-tell today!

Okay - now my next problem. You are looking at what is left of 2/3 of my tulips. RABBITS! I am livid! I feel so bad for Alex who planted dozens of them last fall. The tulips were not budding yet, in fact the stem wasn't even up yet, just the leaves. They were up about 6-8 inches and those pests chewed them down to the ground!
My question for all of you is: Will they survive? Is there any chance of them blooming this year?
I am so angry - I want a shotgun. They ate across the bed, then got full and stopped. So my bed is gone on 2/3 and still okay on the other 1/3 and looks completely lop-sided. Last evening, Alex installed a galvanized chicken wire covering (completely over the top and sides and he put down blood meal. They survived the night. Oh, how I wish I had known rabbits could do this much damage. We would have installed the fence at the beginning of the year. They also ate my Easter lillies that we planted a few years ago - they are completely gone as well. Kill the wabbit!